Monday, November 27, 2017

Responsive utilities

For a mobile first design botstrap provides us some classes for responsive utilities that is to view or hide in print or web or in a particular device type.

1. Responsive visibility

the class name .visible-*-* for make visible and the first * denots for xs for extra small, sm for small, md, for medium and lg for large devices and the second * denots for the block,inline, or inline-block to make display type.
Extra small devicesPhones (<768px)Small devicesTablets (≥768px)Medium devicesDesktops (≥992px)Large devicesDesktops (≥1200px)

2. Visible in web and print or Print classes:

By using the classes .visible-print-block, .visible-print-inline, .visible-print-inline-block we can make a tah visible in print only and it will be hide on web
similarly using the class name .hidden-print we can make that particular tag invisible or hidden on print but it will be visible on print.

Thanks For Reading

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