Monday, November 27, 2017

bootstrap responsive table

Basic Table

A basic Bootstrap table has a light padding and only horizontal dividers by giving the class name class .table to any table.


< table class=”table” > … </table >

Striped rows

In a table with class .table if we use the class .table-striped the table row will be zebra striping.


< table class=”table  table-striped” > … </table >

Bordered table

To Give Border on all side of a table user have to give the class .table-bordered with the class .table in a table tag.


< table class=”table  table-bordered” > … </table >

Row Hover

To give a hover effect on row in wgich the mouse is moving on then user have to add the class .table-hover with the class .table in a table tag.


< table class=”table table-hover” > … </table >

Condensed table

If we have to make a table more compact then we can use the class .table-condensed with the class .table in a html table tag.


< table class=”table  table-condensed” > … </table >

Make a row active

To make a table row active we can use the class .active in tr tag of a table


&tr; table class=”active” > … </tr >

Make a row colored

To make a table row colored we can use the classes .success , .info , .warning , .danger in a row of a table body
and can be also used in a column by adding the classes in a td tag.


< tr class=”success” > … </tr >
< tr class=”info” > … </tr >
< tr class=”warning” > … </tr >
< tr class=”danger” > … </tr >
< td class=”success” > … </td >
< td class=”info” > … </td >
< td class=”warning” > … </td >
< td class=”danger” > … </td >

Responsive Table

To make a table responsive using bootstrap 3 user have to giv the class .table-responsive to the parrent tag of the table with class .table


< div class=”table-responsive” >
< table class=”table” > … < /table >

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