Monday, November 27, 2017

Bootstrap Helper Classes

Bootstrap helper class described the text color classes, background color classes , the floating , visibility in print , in only web , cloase button , dropdown icon , Center content blocks, clearfix etc.

1. text color or Contextual colors:

We can make the text color using the clas name .text-muted for deep gray text, .text-primary for blue, .text-success for green, .text-info for deep blue, .text-warning for deep yellow and .text-danger for red.
.text-muted for deep gray text
.text-primary for blue
.text-success for green
.text-info for deep blue
.text-warning for deep yellow
.text-danger for red

2. Background color or Contextual backgrounds:

we can give any background color of a html tag bu using the bootstrap provided class name and they are: .bg-primary for deep blue background color , .bg-success for light green background color, .bg-info for sky blue background color , .bg-warning for yellow background color and .bg-danger for red background color of a tag.
.bg-primary for deep blue background color
.bg-success for light green background color
.bg-info for sky blue background color
.bg-warning for yellow background color
.bg-danger for red background color

3. cloase icon for modals and alert of bootstrap:

In bootstrap many time we have to use a modal or alert window and a cloase button with that. So bootstrap is providing us a code to make a cloase icon and that is <button type=”button” class=”close” aria-label=”Close”><span aria-hidden=”true”>& times;</span></button>

4. Dropdown Icon or Carets:

In a html page many time we have to use a dropdown icon in menu or dropdown listind or so many placess and to create a dropdown icon bootstrap is providing a class to make a dropdown icon and the class name is .caret

5. Float left and float right:

In bootstrap there is quick float classes to make a tag float feft or float right and we have to use the class name .pull-left for float left and have to use .pull-right for float right
.pull-left class to make the tag float left
.pull-right class to make the tag float right

6. make a blog center or Center content blocks:

in bootstrap we can use .center-block classname to make a block or tag center.
.center-block classname to make a block or tag center

7. Clearfix or make horizontaly clear

To clearfix of floating bootstrap providing us a class name .clearfix
.clearfix class to make clear floating

8. Showing and hiding and makeing invisible:

By using the class .show to make a tag visible, .hidden to make a tag hide and .invisible to make display none.
.show to make a tag visible

9. Screen reader and keyboard navigation content

Hide an element to all devices except screen readers with .sr-only. Combine .sr-only with .sr-only-focusable to show the element again when it’s focused

10. Replace an element’s text content with a background image.

by using the class name .text-hide  we can replace an element’s text content with a background image.

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